yellow butterfly Facts, Diet, Habitat

The clouded yellow butterfly, scientifically known as Colias croceus, is a captivating insect found in various habitats across the world. With its vibrant coloration and remarkable life cycle, this butterfly species has intrigued both scientists and nature enthusiasts. In this article, we will explore the scientific name, habitat, diet, life cycle, and other fascinating aspects of the clouded yellow butterfly.

Scientific Name: Colias croceus

The clouded yellow butterfly is scientifically known as Colias croceus. This scientific name helps identify and classify the species accurately. It belongs to the genus Colias, which encompasses over 50 butterfly species worldwide.


The clouded yellow butterfly thrives in diverse habitats, including meadows, grasslands, and open woodlands. However, they are most commonly found in areas abundant in flowers, as they heavily rely on nectar for their survival. Their presence adds a touch of beauty to these natural environments.


Nectar plays a crucial role in the diet of the clouded yellow butterfly. They have a diverse range of floral preferences, including clover, dandelions, and buttercups. These vibrant flowers provide the necessary nourishment for their growth and energy. Additionally, these butterflies quench their thirst by drinking water from puddles or streams.

Life Cycle

The clouded yellow butterfly undergoes a fascinating four-stage life cycle: egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, and adult. The journey begins with the female butterfly laying small, yellow eggs on their host plant, usually a legume like clover. From these eggs, caterpillars hatch and feed voraciously on the leaves of their host plants.

After approximately two weeks, the caterpillars form a protective cocoon, known as the chrysalis. Inside this cocoon, they undergo a transformative process. This stage lasts for about two weeks, during which the caterpillar undergoes metamorphosis and emerges as an adult butterfly.


The eggs of the clouded yellow butterfly are small and possess a distinctive yellow coloration. They are carefully laid on the leaves of the host plant, providing a secure environment for their development. These eggs serve as the starting point for the butterfly's life cycle.

Genus: Colias

The clouded yellow butterfly belongs to the genus Colias, which encompasses a diverse group of butterflies. With over 50 species, the Colias genus forms part of the larger Pieridae family. This family includes various butterfly species, such as whites, sulphurs, and fritillaries.

Family: Pieridae

The clouded yellow butterfly is a member of the Pieridae family, which comprises over 1,000 butterfly species worldwide. This family showcases the remarkable diversity and beauty of butterflies found in different regions across the globe.


The clouded yellow butterfly is relatively small in size compared to other butterfly species. The wingspan of adult butterflies typically ranges from 30 to 40 millimeters. Despite their small stature, these butterflies possess vibrant and eye-catching patterns on their wings.

 Natural History

The clouded yellow butterfly is known for its fascinating natural history. It is a remarkable long-distance migrant, capable of traveling hundreds of miles to find suitable breeding grounds. While most commonly found in Europe and Asia, these butterflies can also be observed in North Africa and North America.


The clouded yellow butterfly is characterized by its fast-flying nature. It can be seen fluttering swiftly around flowers, skillfully sipping nectar with its long proboscis. These butterflies are also attracted to light and are often spotted at dusk, adding a touch of enchantment to the evening landscape.

Evolution and Systematics

The clouded yellow butterfly belongs to the tribe Gonepterini, which includes other notable butterfly species like the brimstone butterfly and the orange tip butterfly. This tribe is renowned for its diversity, making it one of the most captivating groups of butterflies in the world.


The clouded yellow butterfly has a wide distribution, encompassing regions in Europe, Asia, North Africa, and North America. It thrives in warm and temperate climates, where it finds an abundance of suitable habitats for its growth and reproduction.


The clouded yellow butterfly is one of the most common butterfly species in Europe, delighting both nature enthusiasts and butterfly collectors.

 Known for its remarkable long-distance migrations, this species showcases the incredible capabilities of butterfly navigation.

Adult clouded yellow butterflies have an average lifespan of up to two months, during which they contribute to pollination and the overall ecosystem.

Due to its vibrant coloration and striking patterns, the clouded yellow butterfly has become a popular subject of admiration and study among butterfly enthusiasts and researchers alike.


 Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Are clouded yellow butterflies found only in Europe?

A1: No, clouded yellow butterflies can be found in Europe, Asia, North Africa, and North America.

Q2:What do clouded yellow butterflies eat?

A2: Clouded yellow butterflies feed on nectar from a variety of flowers, including clover, dandelions, and buttercups.

Q3: How long do adult clouded yellow butterflies live?

A3: Adult clouded yellow butterflies have an average lifespan of up to two months.

Q4: Do clouded yellow butterflies migrate?

A4: Yes, clouded yellow butterflies are known for their long-distance migrations, traveling hundreds of miles to find suitable breeding grounds.

Q5: Are clouded yellow butterflies popular among collectors?

A5: Yes, the clouded yellow butterfly is a popular subject for butterfly collectors due to its striking appearance and widespread distribution.

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